About the author and illustrator


Rosalind Harrison is a kiwi mum whose writing of short stories, articles and poetry have been published in Mindfood Magazine and local newspapers. My Body My Taonga is her first children’s picture book. 

The concept of writing an educational story for young tamariki took place following a friends disclosure of childhood sexual abuse. Throughout the writing process, Rosalind liaised with and gained support from experts in child development, child safety and survivors of sexual abuse.

Rosalind’s mission is to educate for prevention.


Suzanne’s first drawing consisted of a sun, house and sky much like the other kids but everything had a face and expression turning the drawing into a story.

Following her chosen path, she graduated her 3 year Fine Art (majoring in Illustration) course at The Foundation School of Art in South Africa with the ability to portray a vast array of human form and cultures in her own illustrative style (and with two published children’s books under her belt.) 

Today, her job titles include Illustrator, Digital artist, Storyboard and Fine artist. Suzanne is known for her colourful, expressive characters that err on the side of stylised realism and has been illustrating (using either Photoshop, Illustrator or Sketchbook) for over 25 years, back when Macs were the size of most briefcases!

Suzanne lives in New Zealand.