This invaluable book makes body safety conversations so much easier! Tamariki learn prevention strategies and most importantly what to do should they ever need help.

My Body My Taonga written by Rosalind Harrison and illustrated by Suzanne Simpson
Two young friends, Rāwiri and Ruby, have a kōrero about body safety and take readers on a learning journey with them. Tamariki learn the power of instincts, how to spot unsafe behaviour and master how to get help should they ever need to.
The aim of the story is for children to:
Understand privacy and body boundaries
Know who their trusted adults are
Learn how to recognise types of unsafe behaviour including bribes, threats and unsafe secrets
Understand that unsafe behaviour can come from an adult, a peer, someone they know or a stranger
Trust their instincts
Learn the plan of Stop, Walk and Talk
Suitable for children aged 4.5 - 9 years
Proudly written, illustrated and printed in Aotearoa
Printed by The Copy Press
My Body My Taonga has been written with the support and guidance from experts in child development, child safety and survivors of sexual abuse. Our mission is to educate for the prevention of sexual abuse and harm in Aotearoa.